Live Imagination With Cute Face.
Cute boys are having fun and it is good to have fun, but sometimes it can get you into a big trouble and life is not just about having fun with cute boys or making cute boys want you. Life is our time to do something important. Of course, we can do nothing important while everyone treats us like a kids, that is why we are looking for solace to someone who understands us.
Yes, in some cases that can be cute boys. They are smart enough to tell us things our parents would never tell and that is why our parents do not want us to hang out with cute boys. And also because they will definitely break our heart.
Cute boys are cute and that is the reason why almost every girl likes them. And they are enjoying life, being selfish while they are young and that means breaking hearts, injuries inside and out and also tears.
Unpopular girls, like me, can only imagine that feeling when some cute boy likes you instead of his popular and beautiful girlfriend. Cute boys do not usually go for my kind of girls. They go for fun and popularity.
Unless, unpopular becomes popular. Somethings may change. Someone may think that you are unpopular because you are different than others but someone could think that that makes you popular. That being different makes you interesting.
I am not popular that is why I can only imagine cute boys in my head and that is what I am very good at. I like cute boys. But I get over them because I have never met any cute and popular boy in real life. Wanna know my current cute boys obsession? I will tell you!
If you watch MTV show Awkward, you know him. If you do not, I suggest you to watch because my cute boy obsession for now is no one else but Collin Jennings or actor Nolan Gerard Funk, if you like that better.
Collin in Awkward inspired this blog. BIG thank you for that and know that you are hottest guy on Awkward! But that does not mean that I am not sorry for Matty (childish name). Jake?
Well, that is another story but he is a bit look-alike Collin, so my guess is that Universe is sending Jenna look-alike cute boys because she is not supposed to be with Matty. But that is just my fantasy. This blog is for Collin (sorry Matty, Jake and Nolan).
What I like about Collin:
He knows what he is doing. He is cute boy and he definitely will broke Jenna's heart because she is not bitch. She is unpopular but because of all the things that has happened, she could be but what is the price for being popular? Friends! Would you give up your friends just because of not-exclusive relationships with a cute boy? I would not!
Next, Collin is, how to say it, damn sexy! Yes! And that is plus to every guy so do not get me wrong - it is not just cute boy plus. Sorry, but there are ordinary boys that can be sexy.
What else? I love Collin's smile! It is too cute to bear! Some boys could kill to have a smile like that... and some boys SHOULD kill to get a smile like that (no offense). But seriously, there are some boys that should not smile. No!
And those eyes... as I spent half an hour checking pictures of him and thinking that his eyes are brown or green it turns out they are more like grey but I still love them because those are Collin's eyes we are talking about!
Minuses? Sure! Just give me thousand years to think about that... or couple hours to finish Awkward season 3 so I could see that I was right and he did broke Jenna's heart or at least led her to tears! If I will be wrong, I will be sure to blog an apology for Collin. But I will not change my mind about cute boys being dangerous!
So, yes, I guess that it will be all in this blog - I have something more to do and that will include my best friend that is disappointed in her friend. See ya in my next blog!